Ready To Consistently Close 5-10 More Vacant Land Deals A Month?

Join Our Mentorship And Use Our Proven System With To Skyrocket Your Business

Unlock Success: Learn How We Closed Over 250+ Vacant Lot Deals

Get Our Blueprint Now!

  • Market Discovery: Learn to find profitable markets

  • Builder Connections: Discover how to talk to and work with builders

  • Seller List Creation: Learn to pull lists of potential sellers

  • Deal Analysis: Understand how to analyze deals effectively

  • Offer Creation: Learn how to make offers on properties

  • Contract Writing: Master the art of writing up contracts

  • Title Company Collaboration: Understand how to work smoothly with title companies

  • How To Manage Your Leads

  • Plus More: Get access to additional valuable strategies and insights

This Mentorship Is For You...

  • If you're new to wholesaling land and eager to learn the ropes from experienced professionals!

  • If you're tired of closing 1-2 deals a month and you want to start closing deals more consistently!

  • If you lack organization and effective systems in your wholesaling business and you know thats holding you back!

  • If you're ready to stop trying to learn everything on your own and ready to accelerate the learning curve!

  • If you need someone to hold your hand and a community to push you to be better!

  • If you're ready to turn your business into a well-oiled machine!

  • If you haven't had success wholesaling houses and want to try land!

Meet Your Mentors

Who is Gabe Moton

Gabe embarked on his wholesaling journey in 2018, primarily dealing with houses before pivoting to land in 2021. With a track record of over 200+ successful land deals and ongoing transactions, Gabe's business operates seamlessly with the aid of virtual assistants. As an expert in sales, a lot of Gabe's success comes from his meticulous approach to system-building and strategic delegation.

His expertise is unparalleled, positioning him as a trailblazer in the industry. Gabe's journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring wholesalers, showcasing the power of dedication, innovation, and strategic thinking in achieving enduring success. Through his mentorship and leadership, he continues to shape the landscape of wholesaling, leaving an indelible mark on those who follow in his footsteps.

Who is Savion Wright

Savion's journey from the US Air Force to wholesaling land began under Gabe's mentorship, propelling him to independent success. With his own team now, Savion dominates the real estate arena. Achieving six-figure success within his first nine months, he's renowned for his sales prowess and ability to inspire peak performance.

Savion's transition from mentee to mentor underscores his entrepreneurial acumen and commitment to excellence. His story serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, showcasing the transformative power of dedication and mentorship. Savion continues to empower others to reach their highest potential, cementing his legacy as a leader in the industry.

Hear From Some Of Our Successful Students


Who can benefit from this mentorship?

Our mentorship program is designed for both beginners and experienced investors looking to scale there business and close 5-10 deals more deals per month.

What does your mentorship program entail?

Our mentorship program includes Personalized Coaching, Educational Materials, Our Scripts, Our Contracts, Access to our Done For You Automated CRM, Weekly Mastermind and Mindset Calls, and Ongoing Support to help you succeed in your business.

What is the cost of the mentorship program? Are there any payment plans available?

The cost of our mentorship program varies. We offer flexible payment plans to accommodate different budgets and financial situations.

How do I get started with your mentorship program?

Take the first step by scheduling a call with us. During this conversation, we'll explore your goals, assess your needs, and determine if our program aligns with what you're seeking.

Is there a community aspect to the mentorship program where I can connect with other mentees?

Yes, we offer a supportive community where you can connect with other mentees, share experiences, ask questions, and collaborate on deals. Networking with fellow investors can be invaluable in your journey to success.

How long does the mentorship program last?

Our mentorship program spans over a period of six months, which equates to two quarters or a total of 180 days. This duration is strategically structured to provide you with ample time for learning, implementation, and growth, ensuring a comprehensive and impactful experience throughout your journey with us.

Does everyone get to be apart of our mentorship

No, we do not have an unlimited number of spots available. We intentionally limit our program's capacity to ensure that each participant receives ample attention and support. Our goal is to deliver personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals.